Nom: Dimos Fiotakis
Pays: Grèce
Date: 2015-03-13
Nous étions 5 personnes et nous avons fait un tour de 11 jours. Tout était parfait dans un pays merveilleux avec une grande civilisation et des gens merveilleux. Votre agence de voyages avait très bien organisé tout. Nous avions des besoins spéciaux et Josef et monsieur Samad (nos chauffeurs), Hamid et Abbas (nos guides touristiques) ont facilité notre voyage. Nous avons maintenant de très bons amis persans. Nous voulons remercier tout le monde et être sûrs que nous parlerons de vous à quiconque souhaite visiter l'Iran. Dimos-Sofia-Marianna Dimitris-Gogo
Nom: Bulent Dilaveroglu
Pays: Turquie
Date: 2014-09-26
Au début, je dois vous remercier et tous ceux qui ont essayé de réaliser cette célèbre tournée pour nous.Iran est vraiment un pays charmant et nous sommes très contents pour tous sauf de voir dans une église erménienne beaucoup pense au génoside que nous n'acceptons pas et il certains pensent dégueulasse de voir de telles pensées sur le territoire d'un pays ami.À propos des côtés que nous avons visités, je dois dire que le sanctuaire Holly d'İmam Rıza est un endroit que nous n'avons jamais vu auparavant de ma vie (en ce moment, j'ai visité plus de 70 pays). avant de voir le palais de Gülistan, j'ai dit que le palais pmrvellous que jamais vu était Schonnbrunn à Vienne, mais après le palais de Gülistan, cet esprit a changé.Et pour être sûr, vous aurez beaucoup de clients de Turquie parce que tous mes amis qui voient nos photos sur Facebook nous demandent comment pouvons-nous ils ont même tournée. Avec mes meilleures salutations Dr.Bülent Dilaveroglu
Nom: Bruno Amancio Pays: Brésil
Date: 2014-09-11
Commentaire: Bonjour. Salutations du Brésil. Mon voyage en Iran a été fantastique. Ce fut vraiment une expérience inoubliable. J'ai choisi PTA pour organiser ma tournée et je ne pourrais pas être plus reconnaissant. Je tiens à remercier tout le monde de PTA pour le trava formidable accompli, en particulier Aliye Jafari, qui a été si utile et a dissipé tous mes doutes concernant mon voyage du Brésil en Iran et aussi le guide touristique Nazli Farjam à Téhéran, elle est tellement agréable d'être autour, drôle et elle se mettait en quatre pour nous satisfaire. A bientôt au Brésil, Nazli. Et bien sûr, notre guide, Saeid! C'est un tel personnage, très drôle et extrêmement bien informé sur l'histoire perse et les endroits iraniens. Je lui ai dit de faire un livre audio parce que je ne me souviendrais pas de toutes les histoires perses qu'il nous a racontées pendant le voyage. Je donnerais à l'Iran 100 points sur 100! L'Iran a définitivement dépassé toutes mes attentes. C'est l'histoire, les gens, la culture, la musique, le cinéma, la religion, l'architecture et la nature, le tout enveloppé dans un beau pays bénéficiant de tous types de situations météorologiques. Les vues de la route que j'ai capturées avec mon appareil photo (et avec mon esprit) en partance de Shiraz à Hamedan étaient tout simplement spectaculaires! C'était bien de ne rejoindre que 2 autres gars sur la tournée, car cela ressemblait plus à un road trip et les road trips sont les meilleurs. Tous les hôtels étaient agréables, surtout celui de Hamedan, le Babataher. La population locale est gentille, attentionnée et fera tout son possible pour vous aider. Je me sentais très à l'aise depuis le premier jour et je me sentais déjà comme un Téhéran local. Le comportement des autorités était correct. En d'autres termes, je n'ai eu aucun problème avec eux. Ils semblent gentils et serviables. Ceux aux postes de contrôle et les gardes de la ville devenaient fous à chaque fois que je disais que j'étais du Brésil et ils disaient: "Oh, Brésil. Bon. Football!" hahaha Mersi, PTA. Mersi, Iran.
Nom: Michetti Vera
Pays: Italie
Date: 2014-10-18
Merci à votre agence pour l'organisation de notre voyage, car il a répondu à nos exigences, rapidement et au mieux.
Merci à notre guide Afarin ("Afrique") qui nous a guidé avec douceur et professionnalisme dans votre beau pays, nous prenant par la main et en toute confiance, dans un monde si différent du nôtre, nous donnant des informations historiques et plus, nous laissant un souvenir positif de votre peuple, indélébile.
Une étreinte symbolique entre vous et nous avec un profond respect et une profonde affection.
Michel & Vera, Massimo & Silvia
Edelfina & Giorgio
Pays: Pologne
Date: 2014-10-11
1- Lors d'un voyage organisé, je transmets toujours mes remarques ou objections au guide local que je reconnais comme représentant d'une agence de voyage et non comme une personne privée. Cela nous aide à la fois - lui et moi à résoudre les problèmes éventuels, comme ils suivent, sans déranger l'agence. Bien sûr, s'il n'y a pas de coopération ou si l'affaire est trop grave pour être résolue à ce niveau, je demande à l'agence. Au cours de ce voyage, il n'a pas été nécessaire d'impliquer PTA et M. Vahid a suffi pour résoudre les problèmes tels qu'ils sont apparus.
2. Lorsque l'agence de voyage n'a pas d'importance, le polonais ou l'étranger me demande après le voyage d'envoyer des suggestions ou des remarques concernant le développement du service à condition que je réponde toujours que je le ferai si j'étais employé par l'agence. C'est le travail du chef de tournée ou du guide en se basant sur les problèmes actuels qui se sont produits lors du travail avec le groupe. Le point 2 est donc strictement lié au point 1. J'espère que M. Vahid a transmis toutes les remarques nécessaires après son retour à Shiraz.
Send feedback
Date: 2014-04-19
Jonas (63) et Aldona (61) de Lituanie ont profité de la tournée de 12 jours de Treasure of Persia en avril 2014. Nous avons rejoint un groupe vraiment international de 14 personnes de 7 pays et 4 continents. La semelle de notre sympathique petite communauté est devenue notre guide M. Ariya Atashsoda. La profonde connaissance historique et culturelle de M. Ariya, son intérêt sincère pour tout le groupe et chaque personne, l'amour de son travail et de son pays ont fait de lui le meilleur guide que nous ayons jamais vu. Notre chauffeur M. Hamid était un homme sympathique et serviable et un chauffeur fantastique. Nous avons obtenu ce voyage grâce aux grands efforts et à la patience de Mme Aliye Jafari. Tout dans cette visite était parfaitement organisé, des réunions de nuit et des transferts de / vers les aéroports à la réservation d'hôtels modestes mais confortables dans de bons emplacements. Nous sommes reconnaissants à Aliye et à tout le personnel invisible de PTA pour l'accès à l'Iran, ses peuples et ses milliers d'années d'histoire et de civilisation. Jonas et Aldona.
Nom: Nashine et famille
Pays: Angleterre
Date: 2014-09-28
Nous étions un groupe de 17 amis pour un voyage que nous n'oublierons probablement jamais. L'Iran est un beau pays avec sa grande histoire, son peuple chaleureux et très amical et sa culture civilisée et sophistiquée. Nous nous sommes sentis très en sécurité tout au long du voyage. Nous avons eu la chance d'avoir Vahid Negahbandfard comme notre excellent guide - un jeune homme extrêmement poli, attentif, compétent et divertissant et le conducteur le plus merveilleux, Mansoor. Ils nous ont soignés avec soin et considération, ce qui allait au-delà de leur devoir. Je ne saurais trop les féliciter. Aliye Jafferi était notre coordinateur de tournée. Elle a été le premier contact que nous avons eu avec l'agence de tourisme de Pars et ils devraient être fiers d'elle, elle a réussi à gérer les problèmes que nous avons rencontrés en cours de route et était toujours disponible si nous avions besoin d'elle. Nous n'avons pas réussi à intégrer Tabriz dans notre calendrier, nous reviendrons certainement! Nous avons dit à tous nos amis qu'ils devaient absolument avoir l'Iran sur leur liste de destinations. Juste quelques petits points si vous prévoyez un voyage. Nous aurions aimé un horaire détaillé de notre plan quotidien comme la plupart des agents de voyages en tournée le proposent. De cette façon, nous aurions pu faire des recherches sur les endroits que nous devions visiter et nous assurer qu'ils étaient ouverts les jours où nous y étions. Deuxièmement, il y avait des endroits où le meilleur logement n'était pas disponible. Nous aurions préféré qu'on nous le dise dès le départ et on pourrait nous conseiller de choisir des dates différentes. Au moins, cette option aurait dû être offerte. Je sais que lorsque je reviendrai en Iran, j'utiliserai à nouveau les circuits Pars. Nous leur souhaitons plein succès pour l'avenir.
Nom: Marko Dugalic
Pays: Serbie
Date: 2013-10-26
Bien que ce n'était pas prévu à l'origine, il s'est avéré qu'il est devenu un grand voyageur, bientôt 50 pays ont visité. Mais toujours voulu visiter l'Iran, ne pouvait pas être voyageur et ne pas penser à un si grand pays avec une longue et grande histoire et tradition. Mme Aliye Jafari a été plus qu'utile dans l'organisation de mon voyage tandis que M. Afshin Vafa, notre guide touristique était et est un grand ami, il n'y avait plus de mots à dire. Sans aucune situation désagréable, avec beaucoup de grandes choses vécues, rentré chez lui le cœur et l'esprit pleins. Pour des informations plus précises n'hésitez pas à me contacter sur [email protected], également sur ma page facebook on pourrait trouver plusieurs centaines de photos de voyage en Iran, tout le monde est plus que bienvenu à visiter. Au retour de l'agence PTA recommandée à tout le monde, j'espère que mes grandes expériences amèneront de plus en plus de personnes en Iran. Merci, Marko
Nom: Stefano Abbadessa
Pays: Italie
Date: 2014-08-30
Notre voyage en Iran a été très agréable, le guide et le chauffeur étaient très professionnels et sympathiques.
J'ai un souvenir de grande sympathie et d'amitié. Les gens que nous avons rencontrés nous ont laissés très agréables et sympathiques. L'ensemble du groupe est de retour en Italie heureux et satisfait. La relation avec l'agence, c'est à dire avec vous, il a toujours été poli et professionnel.
Je n'ai rien à reprocher à votre travail: nous n'avions que le problème de ne pas fuonzionameto la climatisation dans le désert était difficile à supporter pour nous pas habitués à ces températures mais est le guide que le chauffeur a fait tout ce qu'il pouvait pour ceraceler pour résoudre le problème. Les hôtels où nous avons séjourné DVE étaient très bons ... avec charme et tradition ... comme nous l'avions demandé. Seuls ceux de Téhéran et de Shiaraz étaient "internationaux" (de bonne qualité) pour nous moins "intéressants". Tout le groupe de mon association culturelle était satisfait et pourrait probablement amener d'autres personnes à l'avenir ... peut-être même avec d'autres itinéraires
Nom: Geneviève
Pays: Australie
Date: 2014-10-03
Nous aimerions profiter de cette occasion pour vous remercier d'avoir organisé pour nous une merveilleuse visite privée de l'Iran. Ce sera une tournée dont nous nous souviendrons. En tant que voyagiste, vous avez pu répondre à nos besoins, désirs et exigences dans les moindres détails. L'Iran est un beau pays, riche en histoire et culture anciennes. Nous avons été submergés par des gens sympathiques qui nous ont fièrement accueillis dans leur pays. Je voudrais également mentionner les guides touristiques que vous avez affectés à notre visite. À Shiraz, nous avons été accueillis par le très sympathique Saeed qui a dépassé toutes nos attentes d'un guide touristique. Il était poli et courtois et flexible avec les plans de tournée et il s'est assuré que nous étions à l'aise et heureux. La connaissance de Saeed de l'histoire et de la culture de l'Iran était incroyable. Nous avons passé 10 jours merveilleux avec Saeed de Shiraz à Ispahan. Saeed est un atout pour votre entreprise. De Mashad à Téhéran, notre guide était Zohreh, très diligente dans ses fonctions de guide. Elle était sympathique et connaissait très bien l'histoire et la culture de l'Iran. Zohreh s'est assuré que notre itinéraire était suivi. Zohreh est également un atout pour votre entreprise. C'était une très bonne idée et nécessaire d'avoir un guide local pour aider Zoreh dans la région de Shahrud. Le guide local (M. Ashouri) a pu améliorer considérablement notre expérience dans ce domaine car il avait une meilleure compréhension du désert et des villages locaux et bien sûr de la réserve de Miandast Cheetah. Sans l'aide de M. Ashouri, nous n'aurions peut-être pas pu visiter la réserve. Il est également nécessaire d'avoir un véhicule bien aménagé pour la région de Shahrud car il s'agit en grande partie de routes accidentées / désertiques.
Merci une fois de plus.
Geneviève et Mike Bennett
Nom: Emilio & Friends
Pays: Italie
Date: 2014-10-05
Nous étions un groupe de 4 et avons apprécié une tournée de quinze jours en Iran. L'Iran est un grand pays tant en termes de dimesnion qu'en termes d'histoire et de culture. Nous avons eu de merveilleuses expériences en rencontrant des gens locaux très sympathiques, intéressés et curieux d'autres nationalités. Les Italiens (mais je suis sûr que d'autres nationalités aussi) sont les bienvenus. Les infrastructures (autoroutes) sont extrêmement bonnes. Outre le trafic "fou" à Téhéran (mais ils sont 14 millions!), Le trafic extérieur est plus que raisonnable. L'infrastructure de connexion Internet peut encore être améliorée, même si nous avons trouvé une connexion wifi (gratuite) dans la «ville souterraine» de Kashan. Les infrastructures comme l'hôtel peuvent également être améliorées, en particulier parce que l'Iran devrait accueillir quelque 20 millions de touristes d'ici 2020. Globalement, c'est une super expérience. Nous devons remercier Moshen, notre guide, Alì notre chauffeur, Aliye notre correspondant à Pars Agency et Mosad "le patron". Tous nous ont aidés à surmonter les petits inconvénients que nous avons rencontrés pendant ou en voyage.
Nom: Patrick Moore
Pays: États-Unis
Date: 2014-10-04
Mon père et moi avons visité différentes villes et nous avons passé un merveilleux moment. J'ai trouvé remarquablement facile de m'attacher à tout et à tout le monde. Quitter l'Iran était en fait douloureux. Merci à Mme Jafari qui nous a aidés dans cette merveilleuse aventure. Je suis déterminé à y retourner un jour, ce fut de loin l'une des plus grandes expériences de ma vie
Country: Spain
Date: 2014-09-03
Somos un grupo de amigos españoles que viajamos por el mundo. En Septiembre de 2.014 hemos estado en Irán. Hemos contratado los servicios de esta agencia que ha cumplido todo lo que prometió según nuestras peticiones: guía, hoteles, coche, chófer. Por ello, la recomendamos.
Al contrario de lo que pueda parecer Irán no es un país inseguro. Realmente es muy seguro. Los iraníes son muy hospitalarios y amigables. Es frecuente que te paren por la calle y te pregunten si necesitas ayuda o que pregunten qué se piensa de ellos fuera de Irán. Las familias pasan su tiempo libre en los parques y jardines (hay muchos) extienden un mantel y... a comer y charlar. En cuanto les miras un poco te llaman y te ofrecen que te sientes a su lado para compartir con ellos la comida, la conversación y una taza de té. Son muy curiosos. Son ellos los que nos han pedido hacerse fotos con nosotros y no al contrario.
Por otro lado, el país es muy bello y hermoso. Lo que se refleja en ciudades como: Isfahán, Yazd, Kermán, Shiraz, etc.
Nom: Jeanette Pullar
Pays: Australie
Date: 2014-04-24
J'ai vraiment apprécié mon aventure iranienne et, si je n'avais pas fait de tournée, je n'aurais pas atteint autant d'attractions merveilleuses dans le temps disponible. Rien n'a été trop difficile pour Aliye, nos guides et chauffeurs, et notre petit groupe a rencontré de nombreux Iraniens amis. Avant la tournée, j'étais à Téhéran pour quelques jours par moi-même et j'ai passé un bon moment à explorer. La seule chose effrayante était de traverser la route! Merci pour ce bon moment et j'espère y retourner
Name:Bridget Bascombe
Country: USA
Date:November 2013
The trip to Iran was memorable. I was especially pleased to witness the remembrance celebration of the death of the son of Prophet Mohammed. The agency staff was very helpful, and equally knowledgeable. So too were the tour guides and driver. However, the guide in Tehran left me at the airport because he said that the driver was tired. I did not realise how tired I was, having not slept for almost 24hours, and missed the flight, and had to pay for another fare. I later learned that his action was unlawful, because I have an American Passport.I enjoyed the tour with him, and taking me to a carpet shop on my request, but leaving me was unacceptable. If I visited Iran again I would use this agency, and the same guide-not in Tehran, but suggest a better itenirary.
Name: Tilman Schimmel
Country: German
Date: 2014-04-27
Comment:We stayed nine days in Iran and really loved this trip so much, especially the hospitality of the Iranians - never experienced so kind and helpful people anywhere else before. Thanks to key2persia for the perfect organisation of this trip. We will visit Iran again
Name: Cosson Pauline
Country: France
Date: 2014-04-18
Comment:Thank you so much to Pars Tourist Agency for this incredible tour. Iran is an amazing country, its sights and monuments are as astounding as its great history. As to the Iranian people, they are one of the most welcoming and warm people that I was given to meet, and I hope to come back very soon. Thank you again!
My friends and I were very happy to visit Iran.
It was an exciting tour. We visited everything we wanted to see.
I can not find words to say how people of Iran and sightseeing of your country impressed us.
Thanks to all our guides and a driver.Special thanks are for you, dear Aliye! You were so friendly and helpful every time I needed you.
Well done! I will remember you, your agency and Iranian hospitality.
Name: Nattha Pawasuttikul
Country: Thailand
Date: 2014-04-12
Comment: We really enjoyed the travel in Iran. Iran is fascinating country which we could say that it is very safe to visit. People are very friendly and we do receive quite warm welcome. We would love to thank Pars Tourist Agency and Aliye for well-organized tour. Special thanks to Ara & Vahid (our knowledgeable tour guides) and Mehdi (excellent driver). It is unforgettable trip of us !
Name: Daniel Whitfield
Country: New Zealand
Date: 2014-04-22
I really enjoyed my trip to Iran, from the rich culture and many millenia of history, to the very friendly and welcoming people who made my travels all the more memorable. My expectations were definitely exceeded by both the historical monuments such as Persopolis and Agha Bozorg Mosque, and by the delightful cultural experiences such as exploring Vakil Bazaar in Shiraz and the eating delicous Fesenjān in Isfahan. Thank you to Ali & Aliye from PTA for organising my great Persian adventure!
Name: Barbara Scotto
Country: Italy
Date: 2014-04-20
We'd like to say a big “thank you” to the Pars Tourist Agency: we really had a wonderful time in Iran and your organization has been perfect. We have really appreciated your kind assistance for hotel reservations, transfer and English speaking guide / driver during our individual tour of Persia. Iran is a wonderful country, safe to visit and full of beautiful cities and ancient culture. Isfahan is simply a dream, Iranian people are really friendly and helpful and their hospitality is very warm. We'll certainly come back to Iran! Thanks in particular to Shima and Zahra for their kindness. Barbara Scotto - Enrico Del Ninno - Roberta Gallo from Genoa - Italy
Name: Daniel & Sandra
Country: America
Comment:We had a wonderful 18-day tour in Central and Southern parts of Iran. Iran is an amazing country with ancient cultures, magnificent monuments, friendly people, and various scenery. Our tour guide, Ali, is very knowledgeable and organized. We have learned so much during this trip. This is a memorable trip for us!
Name: Patricia and Pierre
Country: France
Comment:We really enjoyed this tour in Iran, everything was well organized with the help of Aliye, and our driver guide Saeid was a great person. We will certainly come back to visit others provinces of this beautiful country with the Keytopersia.
Name: David Jones
Country: England
My sister and I chose the Treasure of Persia Luxury tour, which departed i January 2014 as a private tour. Everything went without a hitch, from the visa issuance at the Iranian embassy (which Pars arranged), and all our many questions being answered very quickly by Aliye in the office, to every single sight being amazing. We had two guides, Sohail in Tehran, and Abdollah for the rest of the tour, and they were so very knowledgeable about Iran and open to discussions and slight changes to the itinerary, such as adding different sights in, as well as being wonderful guides. Every city on the tour was chosen well to give a nearly complete historical record of Iran; From Saryadz to Persepolis, to Esfahan and the shrine of Hafez. Oh, and then the food!!! The food and the sweets in Iran are delectable! Admittedly, we struggled with the massive plates of rice, but everything we ate was so tasty! We enjoyed every aspect of this tour, and would not hesitate to recommend your tours!! Thank you very much for such a wonderful stay, in a wonderful country!
Name: Ignacio Fernandez
Country: Spain
Date: 2013-09-29
We enjoy a lot in Shiraz, Isfahan and so on. We love the people of Iran we knew for their
friendliness and affability. Concerning the tour, no problem in general.
We only have good reminds and the best wishes for you and your people.
Name: Julia Veltcheva
Country: Bulgaria
Date: 2013-10-26
Comment:Thank you very much! I really spent 2 amazing weeks, full of fun and new experiences and incredible places. Iranians are probably the most hospitable people.Iran is one of the most fascinating land I have ever visited. I'm glad that had the chance to touch to some of the splendid monuments of Iran's rich and glorious past.
Name: Shireen Irani Parsons
Country: America
Date: 2013-11-23
Comment: I want you to know how very much my son, Chris Allen, and I enjoyed our recent tour in Iran. Our guides, Sarah (Tehran) and Mahmud (Shiraz, Yazd, Isfahan...), and our driver, Barzahd, are wonderful -- Sarah and Mahmud are so knowledgeable and enthusiastic, Barzahd is an excellent driver and navigator, and they're all personable and fun to be with.
For me, it was more than a tour - it was a journey into my heritage. My grandfather was from Yazd, and told me so many stories about his childhood in "the Pearl of the Desert." It was an unforgettable experience.
Name: Mary-Helen Smith
Country: Australia
Date: 2013-09-29 Perfect Persia Tour (26 Days)
Comment: Frank & I enjoyed our Iran experience – it is a country with a long and varied history. The people of Iran , however, are the number 1 tourist attraction!
Name: James Merriman
Country: England
Date: 2013-11-17
Comment: I just wanted to say thank you for organising the excellent trip I had around Tehran and for assisting me in receiving my visa. It's always comforting to have someone waiting at the airport at the agreed time which for me in the past has been a problem with other companies so many thanks for perfect time-keeping not only at the airport but for all the other elements of my itinerary. The hotel was in a good area with all the amenities I needed during my stay within easy walking distance. The staff were also very friendly and informative. I really enjoyed the city tour your provided for me. All the stops were very interesting and provided me with plenty of photo opportunities. As a lover of food, the lunch stop as part of the tour was superb! I shall of course be recommending your services to all of my friends & colleagues who are considering a visit to Iran in the near future. Once again many thanks.
Country: GREECE
Date: 2013-10-12
Comment: Many greetings from Greece. We had a wonderful time in Iran. Everything was great. First of all the people were very kind. Everyone wanted to speak and have a conversation. They wanted to learn about our country and how we see Iran. The people were lovely. Morever all the hotels we stayed were very beautiful and clean. And the personnel very pleasant and helpful. Last but not least our guides were excellent . Shara is a very nice person and she try to make our stay comfortable and pleasant . Mohsen is a guy full of energy with many knowledges and great sense of humor .And always with the smile in his face. Very good at his job.He is a real friend now. Thank you for everything we are definitely recommend this agency and this beautiful country. Kisses , Kostis and Georgia.
Name: Bchara Katoura
Country: Lebanon
Date: 2013-11-01
Comment: The Glance of Persia Tour has exceeded our expectations. While booking this trip and before we traveled to Iran, my wife and I were a little bit worried and questioning if we are doing the right thing by traveling to Iran. When we arrived to Iran, our worries were gone and it was a very enjoyable and unforgettable experience. The people are very friendly, most of the young citizens speak English language and we could get directions and answers very easily. The archaeological places, museums and gardens are very impressive. Places we visited and left a great impression are Crown Jewels Museum & Sa'ad Abad Complex (Tehran), Persepolis & Necropolis, Imam Square (Isfahan). Travel Agent Key to Persia PTA: While trying to organize our Iran trip and while trying to get answers, PTA was the fastest to reply and their online chat option was very helpful. At the same time their price was very competitive and much lower than the other companies. During the trip, the travel guides were very professional and the agency took care of all our hotel bookings and flight bookings and around 95% of the time met or exceeded our expectation. We do highly recommend this agency and definitely will use them if we decide to visit Iran another time. Our 9 days vacation was very well planned, smooth and free of any problems.
Name: Travis Lee Weatherford
Country: America
Date: 2013-10-05
Comment : I would be very happy to write a follow-up letter to our tour. I and the other members of the group all had a wonderful time, all thanks to your excellent help and the professionalism and organization of the Pars Agency. I can offer nothing but praise for all of your persistent help over the many years it took me to get the visa, and I was delighted with how well-run and comfortable our tour was. Both of our guides, Bahare and Mehdi, were excellent, well-informed, and a pleasure to spend time with. I hope that the recent, encouraging communication between our governments may eventually lead to an opening in Iran. Your country is full of incredible sights and too sadly overlooked by tourists. I think Pars is in a very good position to benefit when the flood of tourists inevitably descend on Iran.
Name: Shatajit Basu
Country: India
Date: 2013-10-19
Comment :Many thanks to Aliye and to Pars Tour Agency for organizing a fantastic tour for us in Iran. Special thanks to our new friends in Iran – Ibrahim (our driver) and Amir (our guide) who made the trip even more memorable. Iran is one of the most beautiful places I have visited – 5000+ years of continuous civilization, the magnificent Persepolis, the beautiful Naskh e jahan in Esfahan, the poetic alleys of Shiraz, the unique architecture of Yazd, the ancient villages of Chak Chak and Abanyeh – the memories of these will never fade. The people of Iran are amazingly friendly – I have rarely met such hospitable people in the world. I will definitely return to Iran soon for another vacation and I strongly urge anyone who hasn’t visited Iran to visit it as soon as you can.
Name: Mario Perrone
Country: Italy
Date: 2013-09-27
Comment :Thanks to PTA for the travel-planning of our great journey in Iran. An heartfeltthank to our willing and able guide Sajad. Thanks to all iranian people for their hospitality and courteousnes. We really recommend Pars Tourist Agency to plan your holidays to Iran!
Name: Karl Top
Country: Denmark
Date: 2013-10-11
Comment : My wife and I had a very interesting and very well implemented trip to Iran. We managed to see and experience all that, we had dreamed about. Iran is a very welcoming and easy country to travel in with very freidly and smiling people, and there is a very wide range of exciting attractions. We enjoyed our time very much. sincerely, Karl Top
Name: Junko Okuno
Country: Japan
Date: 2013-10-16
Comment :I booked the tour alone so I was worried about the safety of travel as a female traveler, but thanks to the kind consideration and arrangement of PTA, I felt always safe and comfortable throughout my trip. This was my first visit to Iran and I applied for a short trip, but in the end I discovered that five days were not enough for me since Iran has a lot to see and the more you know about the country, the more you'd like to visit in depth.
Name: Jason Nielson
Country: America
Date: 2013-10-03
Comment : Thank you so much for everything. I had a wonderful and very memorable trip to Iran. Aliye Jafari was wonderful to work with in answering all of my questions and helping with all of the details, from answering questions, visa processing, bookings, and also helping me to receive my delayed baggage from the airline. This was one of the best trips I have ever had. I found the Iranian people to be very friendly and helpful. I was amazed at how much there was to see in the country and how much our group was actually able to visit in 12 days. A special thank you to wonderful guides, Bahare in Tehran, Mehdi in Shiraz, and our driver Morteza also from Shiraz. I hope to be able to visit again and to bring some of my friends. Thanks again for everything. Jason Nielson, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Country: Italy
Date: 2013-09-20
Comment :Thank you very much for the beautiful days we spent in Iran. It exceed all our expectations. I, with my five friends, appreciated the professional and friendliness of the staff (Aliye). Excellent and always helpful the italian language guide (Akbar..). It was a great experience. I reccomend to visit Iran with PARS TOURIST.
Country: Turkey
Date: 2013-09-15
Comment :Thanks to pars tours fr all qualıty bus guıde hotel ıtenary servıces .durıng our vısıt ıran wıth our 26 yivtour guest. thanks to all pars tours staff best regards Naci Madenus.
Name: Alan Holmwood
Country: England
Date: 2013-09-14
Comment :Very good tour good value for money and excellent guide, people friendly No problems at hotels preferred traditional ones to newer higher grade ones. If itinerary could be changed so that travel was done on Fridays when many places were closed would be an improvement.
Name: Pasqualino Di Iorio
Country: Italy
Date: 2013-09-15
Comment :
I have traveled to Iran by choosing a short tour. I appreciated the professionalism and the friendliness of the staff of Pars Tourist. I visited amazing places and I highly recommend traveling to Iran and contact with this agency.
Name: Jose Manuel Ribeiro Gonçalves
Country: Portugal
Date: 2013-08-11
Comment :One thing I must say to you now: The BEST, BEST, BEST is your people. Till know Iran people we thought that Sirian and Jordan peoples were the most kindly and the best in the world. Because as I told you before, we know more than one hundred countries. Now, we love your people. In this moment I think that we preferred to have more time talking with the people than spend time to see mosques, and so on...The highs moments in this trip were when we talked with Iran people.
Name: Monica
Country: Italy
Date: 2013-08-12
Comment : My friend and I we had a great time in sharing our days in Iran; we do not expect such a variaty of cultures, landscapes, foods, histories. But what we really appeciated the most is the charming hospitality of people, their dignity and their love to their belonging country. This really makes you, Iranian, special and unique. People are always so curious to get closer to foreigners by giving us the opportunity to be authentically introduced to local daily life. We thank you for the chance to keep in touch with your country.
Name: Ravindran
Country: India
Date: 2013-06-19
Comment : On the last day of our trip when we reached Tehran we were still amazed with our experience of both the people we had met and the places we had seen. We enjoyed every bit of our trip. The Pars agency was very helpful and organised the whole trip efficinetly. We will definitely return to Iran again.
Name: Pauline van der Veeken
Country: Netherlands
Date: 2013-04-13
Comment : I travelled together with my husband in a week through Iran. We visited Tehran, Eshafan and Shiraz We thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful places and rich culture, friendly people, great food and our enthusiastic and knowledgeable guide and driver very much. And we definitely recommend Key2Persia for discovering the beauty of Iran in a professional wel arranged way.
Name: Choong Lyol Lee
Country: Korea
Date: 2013-04-10
Comment :My family including my wife and three daughters (all are adults) has traveled 18 countries of Asian to Europe from January to August of 2013 and has just come back to Korea. We had a very wonderful time for the past seven months. On the middle of the travel, we take two weeks of Pars Travel Agency service from April 10 to 24 while in Iran. For two weeks, we visited all the way of central Iran such as Shiraz, Ahvaz, Isphahan, Yazd, Kahan and Tehran. Pars Travel Agency provided very excellent professional service for us including all the accommodations, transportation and tour guiding service at the reasonable price. All my family greatly enjoyed and also appreciated of it. Especially, Shahram, the guide and Ali, the drive were very kind and greatly devoted for us. We regretted that we could spend more time in Iran because of the visa limit. We wish that we go to Iran again in the near time.
Name: Zafer Bozkaya
Country: Turkey
Date: 2013-05-15
Comment :We were group of people traveling together in Iran from Turkey. We stayed 15 days in total. PARS Tourist company has arranged hotels and transports. When we need help for any local problem, we know, we have our excellent guide Mrs. Aliya and the owner of company, Mr. Nematullahi is ready to help us. We had best hotels according to our budget, and found tasty food in all cities. I highly recommend Pars Tourist and Mrs. Aliya
Name: Robin Purchase
Country: Australia
Date: 2013-04-01
Comment :Thanks to Aliye and Hamed (Tehran) & particularly driver/guide Sajad for a fantastic 26 days journey all over Iran. Beautiful and varied country with rivers, mountains, forests, wheat fields and even snow. Very friendly and generous people. I was amazed at how the many many ethnic groups and religions are included and fully participate in society. Whilst the scenery and history may be great, it is the inherent friendliness and generosity of all Iranians that made this such a truly amazing and rewarding experience.\\r\\nAs a solo traveller I always felt completely safe and would recommend Iran and PARS travel to anyone
Name: Marek & Agata KOCZOWSKI
Country: Poland
Date: 2013-05-02
Comment : We have spent 9 beautiful days in Iran having learned the unique culture and magnificant monuments from the glorious past. We have never met such friendly people like in Iran who were always ready to help and assist us. I would like to thank PTA for a perfect organization of our trip. You are a company which we can really recommend to all the people who would like to go to Iran.
Name: Mira Veenman
Country: Netherlands
Date: 2013-05-02
Comment : I liked my stay in Iran very much. My guides and drivers were pleasant and well informed. I travelled in a small international group as well as alone and PTA could fulfil most of my wishes. I\'m sure I will come back and ask them again to help organize my trip.
Name: Veronica
Country: Ukrainian
Date: 2013-03-01
Comment : I\'d like to thank PTA for this wonderful trip. Excellent organization. Thank you to my guide Mohammad Reza, he is one of the best guides. Iran is a very beautiful country with rich historical sights. Very polite and friendly people live in this country. Only there you can find so tasty food. Thank you again for this unforgettable journey.
Name: Fulvio Bambi
Country: Italy
Date: 2013-02-24
Comment : we were a group of 9 persons ,and we all are enthusiast about the organization of PARS and reception of iranian people to us. The cities are very beautiful and clean and full of artistic treasures preserved very well. the street are well kept and flights are on time.Who loves travelling cannot help coming almost one time in iran! Wonderful country and Beautiful people!
Name: Belinda Patey
Country: Australia
Date: 2013-01-10
Comment : A very big thank you to Aliye and Pars TA for their excellent organisation of my fabulous 12 day tour of Iran, from the visa to my departure. Thanks also to Saeed for being such a good guide and a considerate and respectful travelling companion. It was a great experience and I look forward to visiting again sometime in the future.
Name: Kelly & Rohan
Country: Australia
Date: 2012/10/24
Comment : We would like to thank Aliyeh, Morteza and Mahmood for such a wonderful trip to Iran! It exceeded all our expectations and we cannot wait to plan our next trip! Best wishes.
Name: Felix & Stephan
Country: Germany
Date: 2012/12/27
Comment :
I would like to thank Pars tours for its excellent service in providing me and my father with a wonderful and hassle free experience in Iran. We had an incredible stay only further improved by the excellent staff and services from your agemcy. the driver was excellent and the visa was handled very professionally. It was also a very nice experience to be able to visit you office while in shiraz. I have recommended your services and will surely be coming back to Iran with your agency, hopefully quite soon with the rest of my family. I hope to have the pleasure of visiting Iran with your firm in the not to distant future.
Name: Muriel & Philippe
Country: France
Date: 2013/12/28
Comment :
Our trip in Iran was wonderful, by the efforts of the perfect organisation and availibility of PTA, our kind and thoughtfull guide Said, the smile and hospitality of Iranian people, the beauty of heritage and landscapes, the art of living. We have appreciate everything and highly recommand as the country as PTA. Go to Iran, it\'s cool, safe and absolutely not as our occidental medias show us
Country: France
Date: 2012/10/17
Comment : A first glance for a two weeks trip, to short of course. Once at Teheran we made our programm (Kashan, Isfahan, Shiraz) and I can tell that PTA was extremly reactive and efficient even at last minute. I\'ve a job in tourism in France and I would like my team to be such helpful with our customers. Travelling in Iran was really enjoyable, easy, full of friendly contacts with iranian people. We are already thinking about our next holidays in this beautiful country . Et pour les français et francophones qui hésitent encore à faire le voyage, sachez que l\'agence peut répondre à toutes vos interrogations en français et nous apporte ainsi une aide précieuse pour l\'organisation de notre séjour.
Name:Jodie Zheng
Country: China
Date: 2012/10/05
Comment : I had a perfect and unforgettable journey with Treasure of Persia program 5-17 Oct. All the amazing architecures with historical significance, beautiful natural scenes and exquisite handicrafts are beyond imagination you may have before arriving there. The professional service from PTA makes me feel at home along the journey. The local people are friendly and lovely. I miss the food and candy there a lot:)
Name: Liping Wang
Date: 2012/9/28
Comment : Iran is a mysterious, historial country. The people of Iran is very friendly. All the patterns and cielings of mosques which we have visited are amazing. The sites of Posepolise, the colorful dressing of Abyaneh City, the traditional houses of Kashan, are very special. The PTA\\\'s services are very considerate, including of our tourguide. Wish more chinese could go to visit Iran.
Name: Guido Molinari
Country: Italy
Date: 2012/09/19
Comment : Great 15 days trip around the country. People were extremely nice and welcoming everywhere we went. Always felt safe and respected. Having travelled extensively
across North Africa and the Middle East, I have to say Iran holds a pretty special place in the region, and I can only recommend it.
Name: Xiaoli Xu
Country: China
Comment: Just came back from Iran, and I began to miss it quite much. I am asked by my friends what Iran impressed me most. My answer is people, even though the scenery, the history, and culture are by all means amazing. Also the tourguides from PTA, who are professional, helpful and energetic, are loved by everyone in our group. Wish I can come back to stay longer in this wonderful country!
Name: Miyoko Ishigami
Country: Japan
Having traveled nearly 60 countries around the globe in my life, I swear Iran occupies a very special place in my heart. Its rich cultural and historical heritage, locals' hospitality, kindness and friendliness, and lots of wonders kept fascinating me throughout a 13-day adventure. The impressiveness still lingers... I took some 2,800 pictures, not only of magnificent scenery but also of the Iranian people with me, which all now remind me of precise moments. I was a solo traveler, but felt at home, safe and fun, thanks to famous Iranian hospitality. Every single day, I enjoyed chatting with many Iranians from little kids, curious teenagers to religious elders.
I'd also like to thank Pars Tourist Agency for efficiently (and patiently !) arranging a tailor made private tour that met my specific needs. My private guides in each city were all well-educated, knowledgeable, attentive and friendly, bringing me rewarding experiences.
I highly recommend a visit to Iran, and for sure I'LL BE BACK !
Name: Roberto
Country: Italy
Date: 2012/03/17
Comment: Very nice and interesting tour, with a clear view of the Iranian lifestyle. Travelling in Iran is really safe, and Iranian people are quite friendly, and curious about the opinions of tourists. Unforgattable.
Name: Gunnar Johard
Country: sweden
Date: 05/04/2012
Comment:people are very nice,friendly. places such as Isfahan,Mashhad,shiraz are all beautiful. this agency is so helpful and our guide to Persepolis is very good.
Name: Jacob I Myschetzky
Country: Denmark
Date: 04/04/2012
Comment: Until now we have only had good experiences in Iran. nice and wellcoming people,great food and beautiful sights! our guid today, Darius was knowledgable,M.A of History and a fantastic guide to Persepolis
Name: Annah Pynsiah
Country: Denmark
Date: 04/04/2012
Comment: Iran is a very beautiful country, the tourist sites are very well preserved. the people are very hospitable and kind. many people helped us ordering food,helped us when we were lost, or we needed direction. it is a very pleasurable country to travel in, and we will tell our friends that Iran is a good place for tourism.
Name:Terrance Tan
Country: Singapore
Date: 31/03/ 2012
Comment: I had a fabulous time in Iran as I am overwhelmed with the warmth and hospitality of the Iranian people and its rich culture. As opposed to what we hear of Iran, we get a new perspective of Iran as we feel welcome and we feel the friendliness of the people here in Iran. I would strongly recommend Iran to any travellers who want to visit and get exposed to the Iranian culture. It's an experience which I highly value and appreciate having been through Iran on my own!
Name: Gloria Cheng
Country: China
Date: 31/03/ 2012
Comment: Iran is a beautiful country full of beautiful and friendly people and a rich history. I am touched by the people's friendliness and hospitality. I totally enjoyed the experience here. And i will not hesitate to recommend Iran to all who want to have an unforgettable trip.
Name:Liang Liang
Country: China
Comment: There is long and great relationship between china and Iran. when we get there, we meet nice and kind people and receive high welcome which beyond our imagination. thanks for the travel agency to give us such pleasant trip.
Name:Christian Hunt
Country: England
Date: 06/07/2011
comment:I have wanted to come to Iran for some time and was therefore careful about which tour agency Iused. The trip has been outstanding; a great itinerary which gave a real flavour of Iran. The tourguide and driver were both highly knowledgeable, engaging and extremely welcoming. Ithoroughly enjoyed spending time with them; Iran is a big country and you end up spending a lot of time with your guide and driver. The two I had were fun to be with, well informed and delivered excellent service. They were very prepared to talk about all aspects of life in Iran and I learnt a tremendous amount. Much more than I would have done on my own or not as part of a tour. I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending these tours; the accommodation is what you would expect (clean and safe) and the infrastructure in Iran far exceeded my expectations. Getting a visa can be a hassle but these guys can make the process a lot easier. Overall an excellent trip and I will be back.
Name: Suzuki
Date: 2011/06/21 23:40:54
Country: Japan
Comment: Iranian people is very kind and friendly to foreign tourists and I can find a lot of cultural and historical things in Iran. It is very fantastic for me.
Name: chunkai
Date: 2011/06/21 02:21:25
Country: Taiwan
Comment: its such a beautiful country very good and kind people with great hospitality.i wish i could come back again in the future.
really a great trip in Iran.
Name: duarte nuno
Date: 2011/06/21 02:17:14
Country: portugal
Comment: foi um passeio muito agradavel a persepolis, com mais 4 turistas. o guia foi muito simpatico e profissional na visita efectuada. recomendo o passeio e a viagem persepolis vale bem a pena a deslocacao. duarte nuno.
Name: kate, Judy and Mark
Date: 2011/06/21 02:08:59
Country: UK
Comment : We've been in Iran 13 days so far - and we've stayed with three families, eaten lunch with five people and had countless interesting conversations. It is so easy to travel in Iran - everyone wants to help you all the time!
Name: Nick Burree
Date: 2011/06/23 01:44:08
Country: England
Comment : So far I have only been in Iran 1 day and the people hospitality and friendliness has been some of the best from traveling around the world. I would highly recommend anyone to come to Iran to see for themselves the true people of Iran.
Name: Berend
Date: 2011/06/20 00:20:43
Country: The Netherlands
Comment: i visited Iran for the first time this year.i read about Iranian hospitality they are even more friendly. English seems
common in Iran and it is not hard to find someone who can be helpful and talk a few words in English!!
Name: neringa
Date: 2011/06/19 22:47:59
Country: Lithuania
Comment: we are very impressed of Iran,very friendly people and very developed country.we recommend to visit Iran.
Name: Choong Lyol Lee
Date: 2011/07/06 00:21:41
Country: Korea
Comment:People in Shiraz is very very kind. Everybody smile and many people approach to me to say "Hello". When I get into
Shiraz international airport, the officer in Visa office very kindly help me to get an entry visa to Iran on arrival. In addition, the peo
Name:Marina Khadidzsa Fawn
Date:August 1/2011
comment:Iranian people are incredibly warm and friendly, always welcoming in Iran and to share meals and spend time with their families. They are very curious and interested to speak to us and show their immense hospitality. The best places to meet Iranians are in the park with their families and while sightseeing. Great experience, my favorite country
Name:Julia Batschauer
comment:Being cabin crew I´ve come across different ways of life and i can say Iran has a unique culture and a very rich history, which is sometimes misunderstood by the rest of the world. Shiraz is a place that offers a lot in terms of experiencing local customs and has plenty of historical sites, a treat for the more adventurous who are looking for a not so ordinary touristic spot. Thumbs up for the tour guides at Pars agency also who had a very good knowledge and never let a question unanswered, definately a memorable trip!
Name:Lily Brodnax bell
Comment:We have been treated with nothing but kindness and hospitality since the moment we crossed the border - and before, thanks to the Iranians on board our train from Istanbul - and we have been very glad to see that none of the negative stereotypes of Iran apply to the people in the country. Thank you for a wonderful trip.
Name:Martin Cookson
Comment:Myself and my two friends have found Iran to be an enlightening experience. Despite what you might have been led to believe by western news media, Iran is an open, friendly place where people are hospitable, happy to talk with you and help you and who are very proud of their country\'s history. The infrastructure for tourism is good; roads and buses to get you around are cheap and reliable, hotels are good and can be very atmospheric and historic. The country has a lot to offer if you are interested in the ancient world, in history, architecture and art. We would recommend that you don\'t be put off and come and visit.
Comment:what is the reason why non-muslim women have to wear the veil?
Name:Dragana Asanovic
comment:Iran is beautiful country, I enjoy here. People are friendly, women is beautiful.
Nature is fine.....I like Iran food ... All is very interesting for me. I don\'t need words for explanation here.....